Creative Strategies for Graphic Design
Material swap
Material swap is changing one material for another material usually found on a different object.
Material Change/inversion/Swap/focus
Material Swap Projects | Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding on Behance
Material focus
Material focus is showing another form of the material making the texture more visible.
Material Change/inversion/Swap/focus
Placing two contrasting ideas together to emphasize their differences.
Putting two objects together to invent something new.
Visual Metaphor
Visual metaphors use symbolic elements to say something indirectly.
Metaphor Or Simile Links to an external site.
Visual simile
Visual simile directly connects two things showing their similarities.
Metaphor Or Simile Links to an external site.
Bringing focus to one part of an object either by the removal of its other parts, or blurring/shrinking other elements.
Change of Environment
Putting the object of interest in a different environment.
Change of Context or Environment
Shape similarity
Shape similarity draws connections between elements through shape.
Which category do these fall into?