BYU-I: Intro to Robotics

2 min readApr 6, 2023


This article will give you a better idea of what you would learn and practice if you take Introduction to Intro to Robotics as of Winter 2023.

Most weeks consist of reading about robotics concepts, following instructions for creating an Arduino project, and completing in-class labs using a Lego Mindstorms kit. The only coding involved is using code blocks from EV3 classroom and any code you write for your Arduino projects. Through much of the course the required code is given to you. You also will not learn much about how electronics work. Instead, you will be focused on improving your problem solving and teamwork skills.

Using EV3 classroom to program Mindstorms Robots

By the end of the course, you will know simple robotics and engineering concepts, be able to program Mindstorms Robots to complete tasks, and be ready to take on more interesting Arduino projects.

Some of the Mindstorms projects we completed included making a robot-based marble course, a remote control car, a robot that navigates a predetermined obstacle course, can follow a line, and can sense/move around an object.

Here are some neat things you can make using Lego Mindstorms.

Some of the concepts studied includes torque, open and closed loop feedback, mechanical advantage, identify simple machines, understand basic programming terms, and what robots are used for.

Arduino Projects included making a weather station, showing lights based on a proximity sensor, and getting a motor to turn.

I recommend this foundations course for anyone who wants to understand more about engineering, especially if you have not taken engineering classes before. It is a fun class and low-stress way to dip your toes into engineering.




Written by Codylillyw

I am a Software engineering student in my senior year with most of my experience in web development and related technology.

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